7 research outputs found

    Assessment 0f Proximate, Mineral Elements and Amino Acids Profile of Weaning Food Formulated From a Local Variety of Pennisetum Glaucum, Roasted Sesanum Indicum and Euastacus Spp

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    Sprouted cereal and legume complementary weaning food were prepared from a local variety of Millet, Sesame seed and crayfish, the complementary flour blends were mixed into various ratios 60:20:20 as MSC (60 parts of millet: 20 parts of sesame and 20 parts of crayfish), 65:35 as MS (65 parts of millet and 35 parts sesame) and 75:25 MC (75 parts of millet, and 25 parts of crayfish) respectively, hence compared with commercial weaning food celarac Cl. A standard methods were used for the analysis .Crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber of the formulation increase significantly (p≤0.05) which ranged from 20.10±0.15, 17.52±0.02 and 9.22±0.06 compared to the reference value of 18.50±0.34, 8.31±0.30 and 0.11±0.01 respectively. Moisture and ash content values were higher compared to the reference values as 8.25±0.025 and 4.78±0.08 to 5.58±0.01 and 1.94±0.01. Elements composition of sodium 114.71±1.33, iron 4.72±0.05, calcium 389.14±0.03 and zinc 3.03±0.03 were significantly higher than the reference value 15.86±0.08, 1.62±0.01, 110.62±0.39 and 1.28±0.01 respectively. While the values of Magnesium, Phosphorous, and potassium are lower compared to the reference value. Amino acids content showed a significant increase in the contents of lysine 3.95±0.01, methionine 2.43±0.01 and tryptophan 3.75±0.02 to that of the reference value 2.70±0.0.01, 1.24±0.01 and 2.27±0.01. Functional properties with WSI and FC are significantly low compared to the formulated diets as 288.00±1.00 and 360.00±1.00 to 391.00±1.00 and 502.00±1.00 respectively. Key words: Sprouted, formulation, weaning food, millet, sesame and crayfish. DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/13-18-07 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Hubungan Persepsi Dan Nasionalisme Dengan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Di Kelurahan Poris Plawad Indah Kota Tangerang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data yang dapat dianalisis terkait dengan ; hubungan persepsi masyarakat dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam PHBS, hubungan nasionalisme dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam PHBS, serta hubungan persepsi dan nasionalisme secara bersama-sama dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam PHBS. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan persepsi masyarakat dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam PHBS di Kelurahan Poris Plawad Indah Kecamatan Cipondoh Kota Tangerang, dengan koefisien korelasi ry.1 = 0,651 > rtabel (rtabel = 0,197 pada α = 0,05 dan rtabel = 0,256 pada α = 0,01). (2) Terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan nasionalisme dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam PHBS di Kelurahan Poris Plawad Indah Kecamatan Cipondoh Kota Tangerang dengan koefisien korelasi ry.2 = 0,404 > rtabel (rtabel = 0,197 pada α = 0,05 dan rtabel = 0,256 pada α = 0,01). (3) Terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan persepsi masyarakat dan nasionalisme secara bersama-sama dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam PHBS di Kelurahan Poris Plawad Indah Kecamatan Cipondoh Kota Tangerang dengan koefisien korelasi ry.1.2 = 0,679 > rtabel (rtabel = 0,197  pada α = 0,05 dan rtabel = 0,256 pada α = 0,01). Kata Kunci : Persepsi Masyarakat, Nasionalisme dan Partisipasi  Masyarakat dalam PHBS &nbsp

    Kajian Koreografi Tari Tradisi Blang Karya M. Riza

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    Penelitian ini berjudul Kajian Koreografi Tari Tradisi Blang Karya M.Riza. Adapun yang menjadi masalah pada penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana koreografi Tari Tradisi Blang karya M.Riza. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tentang proses kreatif, dan mengetahui koreografi yang meliputi aspek bentuk, teknik dan isi serta tenaga, ruang dan waktu yang digunakan serta ciri khas atau gaya Tarian Tradisi Blang. Sumber data dan Lokasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Koreografer sanggar seni Geunaseh Banda Aceh dan lokasi peneltian terletak di sanggar seni Geunaseh. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan mereduksi, display dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tari Tradisi Blang diciptakan pada tahun 2013 oleh Muhammad Riza yang diTarikan oleh 4 penari laki-laki dan 9 penari wanita yang dilengkapi dengan properti caping tani, pade bijeh, tampah, Dalong dan layang-layang. Tarian ini memiliki tujuh belas gerakan dan memiliki 36 pola lantai. Tari Tradisi Blang diiringi dengan alat musik tradisional Seperti Seurune Kale, Seruling, Rapa'i, Geundrang, Peluit Bambu dan Kerincing. Kajian koreografi Tari Tradisi Blang terdiri dari observasi, eksplorasi, improvisasi dan evaluasi. Tari tradisi Blang termasuk kedalam Tari pertunjukkan yang berfungsi sebagai hiburan semata

    Antibody profile following vaccination with thermostable (ND-I2) vaccine in village chicken that survived the Newcastle disease outbreak

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    The antibody profile of village chickens that recovered from clinical Newcastle disease infection were monitored following vaccination with thermostable (NDI2-HR) vaccine over a period of 5 weeks. The birds were grouped into two: vaccinated and non-vaccinated. Antibody profile was determined using haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. Seromonitoring result revealed a significant (p<0.05) seroconversion with rise in Geometric antibody titer (GMT) values of antibody among the vaccinated birds that survived the outbreak, with peaked at week two following vaccination and declined subsequently in both study groups. No significant difference was observed in the antibody profile of vaccinated and non-vaccinated group which is an indication of low response to vaccination. Vaccination of surviving birds following ND outbreak may be of little value in development of immunity to the disease

    Natural outbreak of Newcastle disease in village chickens obtained from various sources in semi-arid region of Nigeria

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    An outbreak of Newcastle Diseases (ND) was investigated in caged local chickens that were obtained from various locations in and around Bama, Nigeria. A morbidity rate of 58% and morality rate of 60% were recorded among the affected birds. The birds started dying two days after the onset of clinical signs. The signs observed were consistent with ND and included respiratory distress with gasping and sometimes coughing; nervous signs such as paralysis, torticollis; loss of appetite, swollen head and wattles, sometimes ocular and nasal discharge, severe conjunctives and death after some days. The death peaked on day 5 following onset of clinical signs and ceased on day 13 after the onset. The histopathological lesions observed include congestion of the spleen, kidney and lungs, hemorrhages in the proventriculus and kidney. Majority 20/26 (76.9%) of the sera tested during the acute phase of the disease were negative of ND antibodies while those collected during the convalescent phase of the disease showed varying titres ranging between 1:20 and 1:80, suggested of a recent viral infection. All tissue samples collected from infected birds were positive for Newcastle disease virus haemagglutinating antigens and titers ranging between 1:2 and 1:6 were recorded. It was concluded that the outbreak might have been as a result of introduction of some in apparently infected chicken into the cage. It was recommended that the birds should be screened for the presence of ND virus before introduce into a new flock in addition village chicken should be obtained from source that are not infected with the virus and village chicken should be vaccinated routinely against ND